Saturday, September 26, 2015

Trouble From The Past

Written by: CaSiBLeSsEd
                 (Casimira Rubia)

Every Individual in this world

had good or bad memories from
the past. 

For example; we're working in 

private company then does wicked
things in that firm, like we fake some
Important documents of clients 
to avoid anger from boss.

By that reason some of us came to

the point of quitting. We decide to
resigned and looked for new job but
years passes by most of wrong stuffs 
that we've made long ago could affect 
our present living.

Although we're longing to forget those

mischievous scene's but conscience
keep playing inside our brain.

If most of us really wants to removed 

those trouble from the past. we must
tell GOD about it. Don't look so worry
just repent to him admit all mistakes
that you've created then He would surely 
give you Peace and Wonderful thoughts.


Surrender your heart to GOD,

turn to him in Prayer,
and give up your sins
even those you do in secret.
then you won't be ashamed;
you will be confident and fearless
      (JOB 11;13-15)